General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Bharrat Jagdeo today said as far as he is concerned and based on the Constitution, his party’s Presidential Candidate Irfaan Ali is already deemed to be the next President.
Speaking briefly with reporters this morning, Mr. Jagdeo stated that based on the Constitution and in wake of Ali being the Presidential Candidate for the party that obtained the most votes based on the undeclared recount, as far as he is concerned, Ali is deemed as the next President.
He said there appear to be efforts to prevent such a declaration but those efforts may be futile.
“It has been established now that the PPP’s list has the most votes and therefore Irfaan Ali is already deemed the President of Guyana and its awaiting that section of the Constitution that says the Chairman of GECOM shall now declare him. As far as we are concerned, all of the shenanigans that are going on now to affect that declaration is not going to work”, Jagdeo said.
With the cetification of the Region 4 results yesterday, the way was paved for the Chief Elections Officer to begin compiling his report on the recount of ballots, the tabulation and the observations recorded during the recount.
The CARICOM high-level team is also compiling its own report and both reports are to be presented to the Commission for the Commission to study before the Chair makes any final declaration.
The APNU+AFC Coalition has been pointing out that the Recount Order also speaks to the process examining and pronouncing on the credibility of the elections. The coalition has already said the credibility of the election is being questioned in wake of the recorded anomalies that were documented during the recount.
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