During a feisty debate on the multi million dollar Durban Park project, the Opposition’s Chief Whip in the National Assembly, Gail Teixeira, told the Government members that they cannot want to be in government and not face criticism from the Opposition and public.
“The government’s responsibility is to provide information. To be called to account. If you don’t like the interpretation after you have made it public, that’s part of being in government. Get thick skinned for goodness sake. You can’t get into government and have wimps. You’ve got to be able to take the licks”, she said.
Ms. Teixeira hammered the government on its “lack of accountability” for the Durban Park project that was completed for the 50th Independence anniversary.
She reminded that when the PPP government built the providence stadium, all of the information was made public and the then Opposition, People’s National Congress even had a member on the board overlooking that project.
The Chief Whip said the government appears too secretive over the Durban Park project and some of the companies and persons that were involved before the Ministry of Public Infrastructure was forced to take over the project and have it completed at the expense of taxpayers.
“Any government has a right to put their flagship projects where they wish and if in your wisdom, you thought that was the best location, you will live and die with your wisdom, you will live and die with that”.
The PPP member said the government during the debate on the issue failed to provide answers but rather threw abuse at the Opposition side, peppered with red herrings.
Before Teixeira spoke, Minister of Public Telecommunications, Cathy Hughes, told the National Assembly that the erection of the $400M D’Urban Park facility was absolutely necessary since the Providence Stadium was inadequate for the Independence celebrations.
Having won the general elections just one year prior to Guyana celebrating its Golden Year of Jubilee, the Minister reasoned that the Government only had a mere 12 months to plan for these events which took other countries two to three years to plan. This, she said, was coupled with the fact that the previous administration offered the new Government no assistance in the transition phase after it was unseated from office.
In examining D’Urban Park, the Minister explained that the facility was built to accommodate over 30,000 people since the Providence Stadium only has a seating capacity of 16,000.
“When we look at the Providence Stadium, it has a maximum capacity of 16,000. The standing area of the Jubilee Park alone could accommodate more people” she said.
The Minister went on to reference President David Granger’s inauguration last year at the stadium, noting that it was filled and “bursting,” and a few hundred people were forced to sit on the grass. The police too, she said, were stretched beyond their limits due to the build-up of traffic on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD).
At the end of the debate which saw over 20 speakers from both sides of the House, the Government used its majority to defeat the motion.
The motion was moved by Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) Juan Edghill and sought to compel the government to make full disclosure on the names of individuals or private organisations in charge of the project, donors and their contribution in cash or kind, whether funds were submitted to the consolidated fund, list of contractors and procurement process used, budgeted and actual cost for each stage of the project, payments made to individuals, companies and contractors as it relates to the project, liabilities, if any, and the agency that now has responsibility for the project.
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