A 44-year-old woman who pleaded guilty to beating her 64-year-old landlord to death, was sentenced to eight years in jail today by Justice Navindra Singh.
The sentence was handed down after the woman, Zaleena Whittington, entered a guilty plea to the lesser count of manslaughter.
The incident took place back in 2013 at the man’s Vergenoegen home, during an alleged altercation between Whittington and the 64-year-old landlord, Azaad Ghanie.
The investigation found that Whittington who lived with her children in the bottom flat of the man’s house, would usually cook for him, but became tired of his advances during her delivery of his meals.
It was just after she delivered his meal and he man an overture that the woman used a rolling pin to beat the man to his head.
Persons in the area said they heard him screaming, but did not take the screams too seriously. His body was discovered the next day. The woman was arrested and charged after a post mortem examination revealed that he had received blunt trauma to the head.
The woman offered no statement in court today as the sentence was handed down, but smiled as she made her way out of the Courtroom to be transferred to jail to begin her sentence.
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