Jagdeo insists fair treatment of Guyanese exports; Warns of reciprocal treatment of T&T exports to Guyana

Jagdeo insists fair treatment of Guyanese exports; Warns of reciprocal treatment of T&T exports to Guyana

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has declared that the Government of Guyana will treat exports from Trinidad and Tobago in the same manner that Guyanese products are treated by the Twin Island Republic.

There were recent concerns about the return of a shipment of packaged milk to Guyana from Trinidad and Tobago. Trade Officials in Trinidad and Tobago have since clarified that it was the importer and distributor of the product that returned the shipment, and not the not the Trinidadian authorities.

But at a press conference yesterday, Vice President Jagdeo said Guyana will deal with Trinidadian exports the same way that Trinidad deals with Guyanese exports.

“Going forward that we will insist upon full reciprocity in matters of trade, that the way our goods and our exports are treated across the region but in this particular case in Trinidad and Tobago, the same way, their goods entering into Guyanese market would be treated. Full reciprocity on all of the issues,” the Vice President told reporters during a press conference at Freedom House today.

With regards to the recent dairy products spat, it was explained that the existing standard for the importation of milk into Trinidad and Tobago requires all importers to apply for an import permit from the Animal Production and Health Division. The Trinidadian importer did not have the required permit.

The Vice President said Guyana might soon make similar requirements of Trinidadian exports.

 “If they can insist on phytosanitary tests that we don’t implement for their goods but they want to conduct on our goods before they enter into their market, then we will have to deal with them in the same manner that they are dealing with our goods,” Mr Jagdeo reasoned.

He said Guyana’s position is not new, adding that the Government will continue to push for the elimination of trade barriers in the Caribbean Region.

“This is not a new issue, and our position is not a new position. We have always been in the forefront of the fight for the reduction of trade barriers in our region. We believe it is essential to the promotion of wealth and the growth of trade across CARICOM,” the Vice President said.

He said while Guyana has had good trade relation with Trinidad and Tobago and doesn’t intend to stir up a fight, it will insist on its products being treated fairly in the Trinidadian market and markets across the region.

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