A Sophia, Georgetown family is growing increasingly worried about the whereabouts of their daughter 17-year-old Tiffany Hazel who has been missing since Saturday.
The young woman who worked at the Survival Supermarket was last seen by her mother on Saturday morning as she headed off to work.
Her mother Donna Hazel said her daughter told her that she was working a double shift on the Saturday but when she made checks on Sunday at the supermarket after realizing her daughter never came home, she was told that the teenager never worked a double shift since being employed at the supermarket.
The mother believes her daughter may have gone partying on Saturday after work since she was seen at the Upscale restaurant on the same night. The woman said she was contacted by one of her daughter’s friends who explained that they had been out partying and the young girl became drunk. The friend told the mother that she placed Tiffany into a taxi to take her home. Tiffany never arrived home and has not been heard from or seen since.
News Source was told by the mother that Tiffany has a boyfriend but the boyfriend is also “clueless” about her whereabouts. He has been assisting the family with their efforts to locate her and he also filed a missing person’s report with the police.
Tiffany Hazel is described as fair in complexion with blonde short hair and a short and slim body. Anyone with information about her whereabouts should contact the nearest Police station or the Hazel family on telephone numbers 219-1902 or 681-1704.
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