63-year-old security guard hit down and crushed by speeding truck at Ogle

63-year-old security guard hit down and crushed by speeding truck at Ogle

A 26-year-old truck driver was taken into custody on Sunday following another fatal accident on the country’s roadways.

The accident took place along the Ogle Public Road at around 6:30 on Sunday morning and claimed the life of 63-year-old Security Guard, Patricia Houston.

According to a Police statement, the security guard was standing at the side of the road waiting to cross, when the speeding truck slammed into her, crushing and killing her on the spot.

The truck driver told investigators that he was driving along the Ogle Public Road when as he approached a traffic light, it changed to amber then red. The 26-year-old man claims that even after he applied brakes, the truck would not stop.

He admitted to changing lanes on the roadway and eventually slamming into the woman, who had jus disembarked a mini-bus and was standing at the side of the road, waiting to cross.

The woman’s body was dismembered as a result of the impact at which she was hit down by the speeding truck.

The driver was taken into custody and is likely to face charges this week as the investigations are expected to be completed within the next day.

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