Body on seawall identified as teenaged girl

Body on seawall identified as teenaged girl

The nude body which was found on the Turkeyen seawalls on Wednesday has been identified as that of 15-year-old high school student, Alicia Ali.

The identification was made by her relatives who are still trying to understand the murder. The young woman was last seen on Tuesday night when she left her Cummings Lodge house to run an errand for her mother, according to investigators.

The mother became worried when the teen did not return home and raised an alarm. The family called a number of the young woman’s friends on Tuesday night but their searches came up empty handed.

Their worst fears were realized just before noon on Wednesday when the young lady’s body was found on the rocks just off the seawalls close to the seaside.

Investigators are trying to figure out whether the teen was lured the area or taken there against her will. According to police sources, from all appearances, she appeared to have been sexually assaulted. The pieces of  clothes that she left her house in are yet to be recovered.


Filed: 26th March, 2015


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