Tragedy and shock gripped the town of Bartica late on Saturday night when the bodies of a woman and her two young daughters were found in the ashes of their old wooden house that was set ablaze by the woman’s reputed husband.
Persons at Four Miles Squatting Area, Bartica noticed the house on fire at around 11:00 pm on Saturday. Within minutes, the small house was completely destroyed.
As the flames died, the burnt remains of Caroline Kennedy and her two young daughters, 5-year-old Mariana and 3-year-old Gabriella were spotted.
The house was reportedly set on fire by the estranged reputed husband of the woman following a disagreement earlier in the night. It is suspected that the woman and her daughters might have been asleep and later trapped in the burning wooden shack.
The man was accosted by angry residents and later handed over to the Police. As he was being carried away from the scene, he could be heard groaning in pain.
A shocked Mayor of Bartica, Gifford Marshall, visited the scene of the tragedy late on Saturday night. He said the man’s actions were cruel and heartless.
“What I witnessed was beyond comprehension. Little Mariana Downer 5- years-old and her sister 3-year-old, Gabriella Kennedy, did not deserve to die the way they did. Their mom Caroline Kennedy, I’m certain was looking forward to spending the holidays with her dear daughters. Like Mariana and Gabriella, she did not deserve to die in that tragic manner. It is cruel and heartless to kill your spouse, but a father who kills his daughters is not human, the Mayor wrote on his Facebook page as he expressed sympathy and prayers to the relatives of those killed in the fire.
A full investigation into the incident is underway and the suspect could face triple murder charges in the new week.
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