Former Police Mechanic Devon Atkinson, known as ‘Wild Buck’ lost his life in a tragic accident along the Pearl Public Road on the East Bank of Demerara just before 1 o’ clock this morning.
According to reports Atkinson, who was recently charged in an unlicensed firearm case, was riding his motorcycle with a young woman as the pillion rider, when he slammed into a truck that was turning into a street in front of him.
The two were pitched from the motorcycle and ended up in a nearby trench. The woman did not lose consciousness, but the motorcyclist was picked up in a state of consciousness and taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The driver of the truck has since been arrested. He was found to under the influence of alcohol.
The woman who survived the crash reportedly told investigators that her friend, the motorcyclist was speeding at the time of the crash and was unable to stop in time when the truck made a sudden turn in front of him.
The dead motorcyclist was just 33 years old.
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