Foreign Affairs Minister Hugh Todd met today with the Opposition Member of Parliament responsible for Foreign Affairs matters, Amanza Walton-Desir.
The Opposition member was briefed on the recent actions by Venezuela and the ongoing broder controversy between Guyana and Venezuela.
A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Foreign Minister provided an update on the detainment of the crew and vessels and the Government’s efforts to ensure their safe return.
The Foreign Minister also reiterated the Government’s position on inclusive governance and called for similar engagements from other Shadow Ministers.
Ms. Walton-Desir expressed the Parliamentary Opposition’s firm support on the Guyana- Venezuela border-controversy and registered her concerns about the welfare of the fishermen.
The statement said Minister Todd and Ms. Walton-Desir echoed the need for a bipartisan approach between Government and the Opposition, on matters related to the Guyana- Venezuela border controversy and welcomed continued dialogue on the matter.
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