Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, today expressed full support for striking teachers in their quest for improved salaries.
At his weekly press conference, Jagdeo, who served as President for 12 of his party’s 23 years in Government, said teachers were treated far better under the PPP than they are being treated now.
Under the the past government, the salary increases for teachers were usually around 5% annually. However, during negotiations, some other benefits were added.
Jagdeo today told reporters that the Government could find the money the teachers want by cutting back on spending in several areas, from the rental of buildings to the purchase of vehicles for government business.
“If they do that, they could save about $5 billion”, he said.
The Opposition Leader also chided the President for his recent statement that now is not the time for a multi year agreement. Jagdeo said the Government and the Union have always been discussing a multi year agreement so he finds it strange that the President would make such a statement.
He said when he was President, he dealt directly with the negotiations.
Teachers across the country started strike action last week. As schools reopened their doors this week, the teachers stayed away from the classrooms, pressing for higher salaries.
This afternoon, the GTU and the Education Ministry agreed that it was time for the process to move to arbitration.
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