26-year-old Mon Repos labourer Neman “Boyee” Persaud was today charged and remanded to prison for the murder of 86-year-old pensioner, Agnes Dillon.
Persaud appeared at the Sparendaam Magistrates’ Court this morning and was not allowed to enter a plea to the indictable charge of murder.
He is accused of breaking into the home of the elderly woman last Thursday and chopping and stabbing her to death.
The woman lived alone in a small apartment. She was discovered dead by her landlord and a neighbour who were forced to break into her apartment after not seeing or hearing from her.
In the apartment, they found the woman bloodied body on her bed with chop and stab wounds.
The accused was arrested two days later and reportedly confessed to investigators. A motive for the murder was not immediately made known.
The accused, Neman Persaud, will make his next Court appearance on the 12th of September. He will remain behind bars for the duration of the case.
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