Opposition proposes annual Day of Remembrance for victims of Mahdia School Dorm fire

Opposition proposes annual Day of Remembrance for victims of Mahdia School Dorm fire

The Parliamentary Opposition has called for an annual Day of Remembrance for the twenty school children who perished a year ago in the Mahdia Secondary School dorm fire. 

During a Press conference today, Opposition Member of Parliament Ganesh Mahipaul said the Opposition has supported the Government’s planned memorial site for the victims in Region 8, but noted that such a site will not be significant enough for the trauma and pain caused to the Mahdia community, the survivors and the country as a whole.

“Given the national collective grief and horror, over this tragedy, we believe that we must memorialize the event in a manner that will not cause it from slip out in the national memory and consciousness, just to time and lack of visibility and prominence. We therefore recommend that along with any physical memorial structure in Mahdia, May 21st, must be annually designated as Mahdia Children fire victims’ day,” Opposition Member of Parliament, Ganesh Mahipaul proposed.

He said such an annual observance will not only allow the nation to collectively remember the tragedy and the victims, but it will also provide a nation with the opportunity to higher standards of public administration, moral duty, professional conduct and governmental responsibility and accountability.

“These twenty young lives, must not be lost in vain, to honor them, truly, and meaningfully, the country must be made a better, safer and a more caring place for children and all other vulnerable and dependent citizens. To continue as before or mere cosmetic changes is to dishonour them. Make May 21st, an annual observance to honor them with dignity,” Mr. Mahipaul said.

Guyana was thrown into mourning in May 2023 when an early morning fire ripped through the girls dormitory at the Mahdia School, killing 20 of children and injuring many others.

A teenage student from the same school, who is accused of setting the fire, has since been charged on 20 counts of murder.

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