Opposition to stay away from National Flag Raising Ceremony in Linden over non-inclusion of Regional and Municipal officials -Norton

Opposition to stay away from National Flag Raising Ceremony in Linden over non-inclusion of Regional and Municipal officials  -Norton

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton confirmed today that his party will be staying away from this year’s National Independence flag raising ceremony to he held in Region 10 on Saturday night.

Mr. Norton explained that although the event is being held in the town of Linden in Region 10, Municipal and Regional officials were never consulted about the national event or even offered to play a role in the planning. With the APNU+AFC holding the majority on both the Regional and Municipal Councils, Norton believes the move to completely leave the officials out of the planning of the event, was deliberate and disrespectful to those leaders and to local democracy.

“The deliberate exclusion of regional officials from region 10 from such a significant event is not only callous but its also gross disrespect to the principles of local and regional governance. We wish to emphasized that in previous years during flag raising ceremonies in regions 2 & 9, in which the PPP forms the regional government, there was full participation of the respective regional officials,” Mr. Norton stated.

He said the disregard showed for the elected Regional Officials is unacceptable, and undermines the spirit of inclusivity and unity that should characterize such national celebrations. 

“It is evident that the current PPP regime is more interested in photo opportunities rather than genuine to fostering a united Guyana towards all its citizens. This exclusionary approach only serves to deepen divisions and foster discord among our people,” the Opposition Leader stated.

Mr. Norton said the PPP taking the national flag raising celebration to Linden is merely just for photo opportunity. 

He recalled the government’s boycotting of the Linden Town Week celebrations which concluded earlier this month. He contends that the government does not have the interest of the people of Linden at heart. 

“In the circumstance, we will not attend any government organized Independence celebration, since to celebrate with any PPP government is to collude with those who are oppressing the people of Guyana,” Mr. Norton stated. 

Yesterday, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, stated that the concerns raised by the Opposition were misplaced and that the Independence celebration will go on in Linden. 

Over the last few years, the government has moved the Independence flag raising ceremony to various regions.

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