Minister of Housing and Water Collin Croal announced in the National Assembly this morning that the government is on track to reach its five-year goal for the allocation of 50,000 house lots.
In opening the debate on the Condominium Bill, which seeks to regularise condominium housing options, Minister Croal said 11,000 house lots have already been allocated in the past two years.
“Mr. Speaker, house lots allocation targets for 2020 and 2021 are already surpassed and we will do the same for 2022. In fact, we have allocated over 11,000 house lots to date. Further, as we speak, more than 1,100 houses are being built in more than 800 housing areas across the country, 300 of which are already handed over to the homeowners,” the Minister told the National Assembly.
Minister Croal said the Housing Ministry is actively perusing the acquisition of new lands as well as developmental works in areas to clear the way for the distribution of new house lots as the demand for housing remains high.
“Our government recognizes that housing is more than just about providing a roof or a room for someone, we know that adequate housing can be a deterrent to crime, an incentive for education. When we improve the conditions under which our people live whether, through direct poverty reduction intervention or subsidies housing, we raise the well-being of the entire country,” the Housing Minister told the House.
Opposition Member of Parliament, Annette Ferguson, who once served as Minister responsible for Housing under the former APNU+AFC government said while the current government continues to boast about its achievements in the housing sector, the nation should be reminded that the foundation was set by the previous government.
“Mr. Speaker, I need to remind the Honourable Members across the aisle, to go to the areas in Diamond, go to the areas in Parfaite Harmony, go to the areas in Providence schemes that were developed under that administration post-May 11, 2015, see the state of those areas now,” Ferguson said.
On Monday, President Irfaan Ali acknowledged that many house lot owners have been finding it difficult to start the construction of their homes. He has announced that the Government will be setting up a new Housing Unit that will seek to assist many of those first time home builders with their construction plans.
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