The People’s National Congress Reform has issued a call on the President to institute additional measures as a matter of urgency in order to deal with the constant rise in food prices.
In a statement this morning, the party said it has noted the cries of the Guyanese people in relation to the high food prices and therefore the President should act swiftly to remove duty on all fertilizers, introduce temporary price ceilings to curb the constant rise in prices, introduce consumer food subsidies and increase public sector workers’ wages in order to cushion the effects of the high food prices.
“Basic food supplies such as milk, cooking oil, plantains, and bread have rapidly increased without any clear indication of reduction or stabilization. These oppressive surging prices in our foodstuff and basic food supplies have forced Guyanese who were experiencing the good life under the APNU+AFC government to be forcibly optional in their purchases,” the PNC said in its statement.
The party said Guyanese must not have to choose between eating or starving because the prices are exorbitant and said the situation is becoming deeply concerning and worrying.
“At every sector of our society, cries of housewives, small business owners, and Guyanese in the general ring out in desperation for the PPP/C administration to fulfill the mandate of insulating the economy during the pandemic and from opportunists who seek to take advantage of consumers. As if this month has not traditionally confronted Guyanese with its own share of hardships, January 2022 has seen a sharp increase in the Cost of Living which is especially hard on the working-class citizens of Guyana,” the party said.
The PNCR wants the Government to swiftly implement a plan of action to bring redress given that it was established the sharp rise in the cost of living is likely to continue since the global economy has been hard hit during the pandemic.
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