Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform, Attorney General Basil Williams, will return to that position in the party unopposed as the other nominees for the post have all withdrawn from the race.
Mr. Williams told the opening of the party’s 19th Biennial Congress on Friday evening that the PNC as a party in the governing coalition, must be the eyes and ears of the government. He said the promises made during the campaign must also be delivered.

Backer who died in March 2014 after a brief period of illness was remembered for her works inside and outside of the National Assembly for a change in government.
He also recalled the struggle of several other members including the late Sonia Nedd, Veronica Delph and Robert Waddle.
Williams told the gathering of dignitaries, party members, government ministers, delegates and observers that the significance of the congress was inescapable.
He pointed out that it was the first time in 23 years that the Leader of the Party was also the President of Guyana.
Williams also observed that it was the first time in 53 years that the Prime Minister attending the congress, in the person of Moses Nagamootoo, was from another party.
Several other coalition members from the Alliance for Change, Working People’s Alliance and the Justice For All Party were present at the opening of the congress under the theme “The Vanguard of a Green Economy”.
PNC/R Chairman said it was without question a good augury.
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