President David Granger will head to Parliament on Thursday, July 9 to address the House on the Venezuelan decree and Guyana’s response.
During his address, the President is expected to inform the nation and the international community on Guyana’s updated position on Venezuela’s ongoing threats.
President Granger recently returned from Barbados where he spoke extensively on the issue at the 36th CARCIOM Heads of Government meeting, resulting in the regional body issuing a statement in Guyana’s favour.
Venezuelan President, Nicolas Muduro, has since recalled his resident Ambassador in Guyana and ordered a review of diplomatic relations with Guyana while at the same time replacing the old decree with a new one.
Minister of State Joseph Harmon said the President will “address the issues of the decrees and deliver Guyana’s response to the international community.”
Mr. Granger’s decision to address the issue in Parliament could be described as a historic event and was not done in recent times by any President.
The business of the Sitting will be suspended at 2:45pm to accommodate the arrival the President and the address. It will resume after his address.
Seating accommodations will be available for members of the public in the Parliament Square, located at the corner of High Street and Brickdam.
The new Venezuelan decree which published in that country’s official gazette on Tuesday does not have any defining coordinates.
According to reports out of Caracas, the new decree No. 1859 possesses no decision on land issues and is intended to support and justify the actions of the Bolivarian National Armed Force in defending the newly created Integrated Defense Maritime Zones.
Article 20 of the decree emphasizes that the decree aims to set boundaries, but that has to do only with activities related to the defense.
The Commonwealth and the Organization of American States along with the US Government have denounced Venezuela’s illegal decree claiming Guyana’s oil rich waters.
The international community appears firmly in Guyana’s corner.
President David Granger made it clear during the CARICOM meeting that the decree by Venezuela must be withdrawn.
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