Former Minister with responsibility for Public security, Clement Rohee has criticized the new crime fighting strategy developed by the APNU+AFC administration and he has issued a call on his successor, Khemraj Ramjattan to act now and put forward his own “progressive and comprehensive” citizen security plan.
Mr. Rohee said Ramjattan has failed in this regard.
Rohee used his weekly Monday morning press conference to inform the new Minister of Public Security on what he thinks should be done.
“He should draft one. Consult with the relevant stakeholders including the National Commission for Law and Order and take it to Cabinet for consideration and if it is approved, have it published after sending it to law enforcement agencies and other stakeholders for implementation,” Rohee proposed.
He said instead of presenting a draft plan to President David Granger, the opposite has occurred where Ramjattan has allowed the President to present an approach to him.
The former Home Affairs Minister said the new strategy is like giving him [Ramjattan] a basket to fetch water.
“He presents one to Ramjattan and instructs him, like the dutiful servant, to go and refine it and implement it. We look forward to learning whether Ramjattan’s latest proposal for a dog and pony show will find favor with the security experts at the presidency,” added Rohee.
The PPP General Secretary recalled that both the AFC and APNU while in opposition had spoken about several plans they had as a solution to the crime situation in country. He questioned the whereabouts of the same plans.
Mr. Rohee believes the new strategy is replete with similarities of the plan which the Ministry was implementing under his stewardship. The President along with the Public Security Minister and other key security personnel drafted a new plan which they believe will tackle the current crime problem facing the country.
Guyana has recorded 81 murders for this year already. At least 70 of those murders occurred before Mr. Rohee and the People’s Progressive Party were voted out of office back in May.
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