Sir Shridath warns of “false expectations” ahead of Ali/Maduro talks

Sir Shridath warns of “false expectations” ahead of Ali/Maduro talks

Seasoned Guyanese Diplomat and Guyana’s Co-agent for the border case at the International Court of Justice, Sir Shridath Ramphal, has stated that all parties must be clear about the reason for the upcoming talks between President Irfaan Ali and his Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolas Maduro, so as to not entertain false expectations.

In a release today, Sir Ramphal said that CARICOM has been the most vocal and consistent supporter of Guyana with regard to the controversy and that support was reinforced recently.

He said the position of CARICOM that they ‘firmly support Guyana in pursuance of the resolution of its border controversy with Venezuela through the process of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)’, and its commitment to the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace and the maintenance of international law, as well as the block’s urging Venezuela to respect the conservatory measures determined by the ICJ in its recent ruling until a final resolution’, are developments and statements that are worthy of noting.

“It is in that context, and with perfect awareness that the Guyana-Venezuela matter is under consideration by the ICJ and that the Court’s proceedings cannot be compromised, that CARICOM Heads have called for an ‘appropriate’ dialogue between the leaders of Guyana and Venezuela: to ensure ‘peaceful co-existence’, ‘the application and respect for international law’, and ‘the avoidance of the use or threats of force,” Sir Ramphal said in his statement.

Mr. Ramphal reminded that there was no call for any discussion on the Venezuelan controversy over the Essequibo region of Guyana.

“It is within those parameters that Guyana’s President has responded positively to the Region’s call for an ‘appropriate’ dialogue with Venezuela’s President. Guyana has always urged Venezuela in the direction of peaceful coexistence. All Guyanese should bolster President Ali’s efforts in this regard,” Mr. Ramphal writes.

He said If President Maduro responds in like manner, CARICOM’s efforts will have the reward of deference to not only regional but international norms of peace and security.

President Irfaan Ali is set to meet with the Venezuelan President in St. Vincent on Thursday. President Ali has already said there will be no compromise or negotiation on Guyana’s case that is before the ICJ.

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