The Government is holding firm to its position that the squatters at Success on the East Coast of Demerara must end their squatting on lands owned by Guysuco and the government’s holding company, NICIL.
Regional Chairman Daniel Seeram headed a regional team today to meet with Government officials including the Minister of Housing, the Minister of Home Affairs and the CEO of Guysuco.
The Regional Chairman said he was hoping that the government would have put a hold to its immediate plan to remove the squatters. He was told that there was going to be no budging in the position of the administration and the squatters have up until next Monday to remove completely from the land.
“Myself and team did our best to represent the cause of the people of Success, who are occupying that plot of land. We raised the questions being asked by the people, but the Government maintains the land belongs to NICIL and they must vacate the land”, Seeram said.

The Regional Chairman said while the Housing Ministry has given the undertaking to ensure the squatters begin the process to legal land ownership, no timeline has been set for the allocation of any land to them.
The meeting ended with the Government side indicating that the squatters will be allowed access to the lands over the weekend through the Guysuco compound to remove all of their belongings.
Earlier this week, there was a fiery clash between the squatters and the Police after the Police was called in to assist the sugar company to get the squatters off the land.
Many of the squatters claim that they have been on the land for a number of years. Guysuco wants the squatters off of the land so that it could continue with its efforts to reopen sugar operations along the East Coast of Demerara.
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