On the same day that 30-year-old taxi driver Ameer Inshanally was charged with the rape of a 14-year-old school girl, the girl passed away at a Berbice Hospital after ingesting a poisonous substance.
The rape accused appeared at the Reliance Magistrate Court in Berbice on Wednesday and was charged with the rape of a child under the age of 16.
In Court, he was told that he was not required to enter a plea to the charge since it is indictable.
It was reported in Court that the alleged act took place on the 6th June at Albion Corentyne. The child reported the incident the same day and the accused was arrested. He was remanded to jail yesterday following his Court appearance.
This morning, the Guyana Police Force confirmed that the young girl passed away last night in the hospital where she was a patient for several days after ingesting a poisonous substance.
The girl’s distraught family is crying out for justice. Investigations into the incident are ongoing.
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