Police investigators on the East Bank of Essequibo and the West Bank of Demerara are hunting for two men, who it is believed, robbed and shot a taxi driver dead last evening at Tushen, East Bank Essequibo.
The dead taxi driver has been identified as 24-year-old Roland Judmie. His body was discovered just before 8 o’ clock last night with a gunshot wound to the chest, slumped over in his motor car.
The last time the young taxi driver was seen alive was just after 6 o clock Tuesday evening when the two men boarded his car after hiring him for a trip. Residents at the back of Tushen recalled hearing gunshots just after 7:30 pm
It was moments after they heard those shots that they discovered the taxi driver’s body. Investigators believe that he was robbed before being shot dead by the two men. His mobile phone and jewellery were all missing, according to police sources.
It is unclear whether the taxi driver knew the two men who hired him. Investigators are calling on anyone who might have information about the two men or the incident, to call the nearest police station.
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