The 25-year-old mother, Awena Rutherford who was last month convicted for killing her two children by giving them rat poison, will now spend the rest of her life in jail.
The woman, who broke down when the verdict was handed down last month, was back in Court today for the sentencing.
She was sentenced to 98 years in jail by Justice Navindra Singh.
The woman was calm today as the sentencing was handed down.
It was back in March 2014 when Rutherford instructed her two young children, ages four and one, to ingest the rat poison tablets. The children followed their mother’s command and became ill almost immediately.
They were rushed to the hospital but died while receiving treatment.
One eyewitness who testified during the trial recalled that the woman left the house and later returned with the tablets and instructed the children to drink them for a cold that they were fighting.
The witness said the children were later seen vomiting. Although the woman claimed that she did not know it was rat poison, the jury found her guilty on the two counts of manslaughter. She begins her time behind bars immediately.
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