The driver and porter of a confectionary and snacks sales truck, have been arrested and will be charged in the new week, after admitting that they had staged the robbery of the sales truck and three other men were involved in the scheme.
A police report stated that last Thursday, investigators responded to a report of an alleged armed robbery that was committed on the driver and porter of the sales truck at Harlem, West Coast Demerara.
“The driver and porter reported that they were travelling in their Canter truck when they were forced off the road by a motor car. Two men armed with firearms came out of the car and held them up and took away $1.2M, a laptop computer and their two cell phones and escaped after locking them in the rear of the canter vehicle. They were later rescued by passersby who heard them knocking on the walls of the vehicle”, the police report recalled.
However, as the police began their probe of the alleged robbery and started to question the two on the details of the robbery and the alleged perpetrators, the two men admitted that they had staged the robbery with the involvement of three other men who were given the money and cell phones after pretending to be carrying out the robbery.
One of the men who pretended to be a robber, was subsequently arrested, and a part of the stolen cash and the two cell phones were recovered. The laptop computer was also recovered in the vicinity of the staged robbery.
The three men remain in police custody.
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