Four persons were this afternoon charged and remanded to jail for the murder of gold miner Deon Stoll.
Four others were charged and remanded for accessory to that murder.
The four who were charged for murder were Shane Morgan, bar owner Roberto Sankar, Dwayne St. Hill and Steve Rolox.
The other four who were slapped with accessory to murder were Odetta St. Hill, Duncan Vanvield, taxi driver Keith McKenzie and Dr. Alonzo De Santos.
Dr. DeSantos was arrested after it was discovered that he had treated the injured bandits at a private house in Sophia. Odetta St. Hill is the sister of Dwayne St. Hill who is facing the murder charge.
All eight of those appearing in Court were remanded to jail after not being required to enter a plea to the indictable charges.
The Attorneys for those charged with accessory to murder applied for bail but their pleas were denied.

The Prosecutor told the Court that on the 14th October at DaSilva Street, Kitty, businessman and gold miner, Deon Stoll was shot dead during a robbery attack after arriving outside the El Dorado trading company
The two bandits who attacked the gold miner were forced to retreat empty-handed after the miner opened fire on them even after he was shot to the body.
He later collapsed and died.
The mid-morning attack and murder led to a massive investigation with the Guyana Police Force issuing wanted bulletins and making a number of arrests including relatives of the shooters and the doctor who was suspected of treating the bandits after the getaway. Two taxi drivers were also arrested after it was found that they allegedly assisted the wanted men and those involved in the murder.
The two matters will continue on the 15th November 2019. Police investigators are still on the hunt for one other suspect.
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