A 35-year-old Guyanese man who travelled to the United States on Travelspan Airlines on April 22, 2014 was busted at New York’s JFK International Airport with over 17 pounds of cocaine stashed in custard powder packets. He pade it pass all the layers of security at Guyana’s Cheddi Jagan Airport without the packets of cocaine being spotted.
U.S Authorities identify the man as Godfrey Anthony Cassius of Georgetown, Guyana. He travelled to the United States on a B1/B2 Visitors visa. According to court documents obtained by News Source, U.S Homeland Security Agent, Gregory Stemkowski in the official complaint said Godfrey Cassium arrived from Georgetown, Guyana on Vision Airlines Flight 502 at 11:30pm on April 22, 2014.
The Special Agent said Cassius was asked if he was bringing any food items into the country and he told them that he had “custard powder for his aunt”.
The man’s brown and black roller suitcase was examined and two large cellophane wrapped bundles were revealed. The U.S Agent said each of those bundles contained four bags marked “custard powder” and when the items were probed, they all field tested positive for cocaine.
The Guyanese man told the authorities that he was paid US$5,000 to “bring the brown and black roller suitcase into the United States”. According to the court documents, Cassius told the the investigators that he did not know the suitcase contained cocaine. The man appeared in court and bail was denied.
The cocaine has a street value of just over G$100 Million. Meanwhile, News Source understands that the Customs Anti Narcotics Unit was informed of the bust and is conducting its own investigation in Guyana.
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