Police probing shooting of 6-year-old child; Investigators suspect stray bullet incident

Police probing shooting of 6-year-old child; Investigators suspect stray bullet incident

A 6-year-old child from Mon Repos on the East Coast of Demerara has been admitted to the Georgetown Hospital in a critical condition after reportedly being shot while she was asleep.

A Police report of the incident stated that the child’s mother woke up at around 5:30 this morning and while on her way to the washroom, she heard the child groaning. When the mother checked on the child, she noticed blood on her head and a suspected wound.

The mother raised an alarm, and together with her husband, they rushed the six year old to the hospital, where she was immediately placed in emergency care. The child was expected to undergo surgery on Sunday.

Investigators visited the scene of the incident and said a suspected gunshot entry was seen in a section of the house close to the child’s room. No spent shell was found at the scene and both parents and their other child along with neighbours were questioned.

However, they all reported that they did not hear any gunshot during the course of the night. Investigators suspect the shooting took place sometime between midnight and 5:30 on Sunday morning.

Investigations are ongoing into the shooting incident.

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