Police say “insufficient” evidence to charge Dharamlall with rape and sexual assault on latest allegations

Police say “insufficient” evidence to charge Dharamlall with rape and sexual assault on latest allegations

The Guyana Police Force today said based on the legal advice of its own Legal Advisor, Attorney Mandel Moore, there is insufficient evidence to charge former Government Minister Nigel Dharamlall in relation to rape and sexual assault allegations that were filed against him recently by a former employee of the Ministry of Local Government.

In a statement this afternoon, the Police Force said the legal advice provided by its in-house Legal Advisor, was based on inconsistencies and discrepancies in the complainant’s story.

The Police also claim that there were also statements from “several independent witnesses that totally contradicted the complainant’s story”, which according to the Police included alibi witnesses who placed Nigel Dharamlall in a different Region on the date that the alleged incident occurred in September 2020.

The Police said statements also disclosed that Nigel Dharamlall is not the owner of the house where the alleged incident occurred in January 2021 and he has no access to same.

According to the Police, the disclosures from witnesses who provided information to the investigators, resulted in there being “insufficient credible evidence and no realistic prospect of conviction in these matters”.

The Police Public Relations Office could not say why advice was sought from the Police Force’s own Legal Advisor as against the Director of Public Prosecutions for such a high profile case, involving a former Government official, who had previously been accused of a similar crime.

The 28-year-old woman who made the latest allegations of rape against Dharamlall, detailed her allegations of sexual assault to the media at a press conference two weeks ago. She held the press conference on the same day that she provided the Police with her official complaint.

In 2023, Dharamlall was forced to resign as a Member of Parliament and Government Minister after a teenage school girl filed a sexual assault complaint against him. She eventually withdrew her complaint after the matter was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions for advice. With the complaint withdrawn, the DPP indicated that charges could not be laid against him in relation to that case.

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