Police Special Branch Officer Kristoff Denobrega who was under close arrest for the past three weeks as the probe continues into the shooting death by the Police of Golden Grove youth Quindon Bacchus, has now been placed under open arrest.
The young police rank moved to the High Court through his Attorneys and challenged his continued close arrest beyond 72 hours. The Court granted his release from close arrest pending charges.
The Police Complaints Authority is investigating the shooting death of 25-year-old Quindon Bacchus who was gunned down during an alleged Police undercover operation that appears to have been headed by Officer Kristoff Denobrega.
Bacchus was shot six times as he ran away from a vehicle with suspected Police officers. He was shot five times to his back and once to the chest at close range, based on the post-mortem investigations.
Denobrega was the only Police Officer placed on close arrest following the shooting. The Guyana Police Force has never indicated whether the operation was sanctioned by the Force and has shied away from answering a number of questions related to the operation that the Force initially claimed was carried out to nab illegal firearm dealers.
On Sunday, family members, friends, and supporters of the gunned-down youth bid their final goodbye at the funeral which saw hundreds flocking his home village and crying out for justice.
The family of Quindon Bacchus is now being represented by Attorney Dexter Todd.
Bacchus was shot dead moments after he was surprised by his girlfriend and his three-year-old son who flew into the country to spend father’s day with him. He had not seen them since the child was a baby. He was shot dead the week before father’s day and his son’s third birthday.
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