Ramotar promises transformation of Orealla under new PPP government

The President explained to the residents that a new administration under his watch would pursue plans to build a deep water harbour in the Berbice River and a highway from Linden to Lethem to link Brazil, “so that Brazil and South America can do international trade through Guyana.”

Ramotar promises transformation of Orealla under new PPP government

President Donald Ramotar headed out to the riverain communities along the Corentyne river on Monday with his message for re-election.

Mr. Ramotar visited the communities of Orealla and Siparuta and promised residents that his government plans to create new job opportunities for them through a number of new initiatives once he is re-elected.

The two villages are very small and have a combined population of just over 1800 persons. Most of the residents are Amerindians.

The President explained to the residents that a new administration under his watch would pursue plans to build a deep water harbour in the Berbice River and a highway from Linden to Lethem to link Brazil, “so that Brazil and South America can do international trade through Guyana.”

He told the residents that the Government is also working with the Surinamese government to bridge the Corentyne River. The government of China has already expressed an interest in standing the cost for the construction of the bridge over the Corentyne.

“These are projects that will transform our country, transform the lives of our people, and that is why we are preparing our people through education… we want our people prepared and ready,” the President said.

The residents were told that the PPP Civic government has been expending large sums of money “to ensure the country’s human resources are highly qualified and skilled to take advantage of the opportunities that will be presented.”

He said the planned government programmes could assist residents in Orealla and Siparuta by opening up new avenues for business from which they can capitalise.

“That will create new kinds of jobs, plenty of jobs and even the road itself -you have to have mechanic shops, tyre shops, vulcanizing shops, hotels, restaurants all of which can generate lots of jobs for people. Those are the things that the opposition want to cut from the budget.”


Filed: 14th April, 2015

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