A number of senior officials at the Office of the President who served under the last government have been blocked from returning to their jobs.
News Source was told that some of the senior officials were prevented from entering the compound of the President’s office this afternoon when they returned from their lunch break.
While they were allowed into their offices this morning as per usual, when they returned from lunch, the security told them that instructions have been left for them not to be allowed past security. The instructions reportedly came from the Presidential Secretariat.
Additionally, a number of other Office of the President staffers who worked under the last government were told that while they were not being fired, they should no longer return to their jobs and should stay at home until further instructions.
Some of the staffers worked in the political affairs as well as the administrative departments of the Ministry of the Presidency.
The Permanent Secretary was earlier this week asked to compile a list of all the staffers of the Presidential Secretariat. Many of them were told they need to resign from their jobs.
However, because many of them are on the establishment as public servants, they could possibly lose their benefits if they were to resign instead of being terminated.
The APNU+AFC has described the situation as nothing more than witch hunting by the PPP government.
In a meeting with Managers on Monday, President Irfaan Ali had asked the staff at his new office to remain professional, promising them that they should not fear losing their jobs.
But since the meeting, several of them have complained that their jobs are no longer secured, even those who were not political appointees.
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