Speaker plans strict enforcement of restriction of unparliamentary words and phrases during Budget debates

Speaker plans strict enforcement of restriction of unparliamentary words and phrases during Budget debates

Speaker of the National Assembly, Manzoor Nadir, on Friday redistributed the Parliamentary Handbook to Members of Parliament to remind them of the unparliamentary words and phrases that cannot be used in the Assembly, and making it clear that the list existed long before he took the seat as Speaker.

Some Opposition Members have raised concern that the word “corruption” is listed among the unparliamentary words, claiming that the Speaker had banned its use.

But the Speaker said the word has been on the restricted list all the time and he was not the one who placed it there. He said as the budget debates are set to begin next week, he will be strictly enforcing the restriction on the use of the unparliamentary words and phrases on all sides.

“I came in 1992, when I was first elected to this House and met these words…I will enforce every single one of them on all sides because since I entered this parliament, it wasn’t only two sides, I will enforce it. And I will tell you, during the budget debate with members, I will not be stopping the clock. So if you’re arguing with me your time goes with arguing with me”, Nadir said.

Speaker Nadir thanked the Attorney General for defending him in the public domain, as he put the matter to rest.

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