The APNU+AFC Region 4 Councillors who are members of the Alliance For Change have filed notices of no-confidence motions against the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Region 4, who are both members of the APNU.
In a statement last evening, the AFC said the action was in direct response to what its Region 4 Councillors see as the continued failures and shortcomings in the management of the affairs of the people in this key geographical region.
The APNU+AFC Coalition has the majority of seats on Region 4 Council. The AFC Councillors would have to pick up the support of the PPP Councilors on the Regional Council for the motions to be successful if they ever reach the stage for a vote.
At yesterday’s statutory meeting, the Acting Regional Chairman disallowed a reading of the Motions on the grounds that the office of the Chairman was not served with a copy of the motions nor did they conform to the stipulated timeline.
The AFC Region 4 councillors now intend to seek to remedy the defects and table the motions at the next statutory meeting of the council.
According to the AFC, in September 2020 the APNU+AFC coalition was elected leaders in the management of the affairs of Region 4, however, nearly a year later several issues persist which highlight the fault lines within the Council and its ability to discharge its responsibility to serve the communities of Region 4.
“The alienation and exclusion of the AFC and its representatives by the Chair are seen in that he currently holds Chairmanship of key committees including the Tourism Committee which to date has never met as well as the Drainage & Irrigation committee. The Chairman is currently the sole representative on the Sea Defence Board of the Ministry of Public Works, the National Drainage & Irrigation Authority (NDIA), the Board of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Covid Task Force of the Office of the Prime Minister. This action deviates from the historical norm of sharing these positions with other Councillors and the spirit of partnership which is fundamental to the APNU+AFC coalition”, the AFC Councillors complained.
There has been uneasiness between some of the APNU and AFC Councillors on the Region Four Council since their election when the AFC’s choice for Vice-Chairman was shut out and the APNU members nominated and voted for their own member for the position.
The APNU has not responded to the concerns of the AFC.
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