Wednesday’s tragic fire at Mahaica, which claimed the lives of two young children has prompted the Guyana Fire Service to again remind persons that they should not leave children unattended at home.
The two sisters who died in the Mahaica fire were just 9 and 3 years old. In a statement, the Fire Service said while a number of adults lived with the children in the two-story house, the two children were the only ones at home at the time of the fire. The older girl lived with a disability.
Persons in the area said they heard the screams of the children but were unable to save them as the fire quickly ripped through the building.
The Guyana Fire Service said citizens need to exercise caution and follow safety measures to avoid home fires. Additionally, the Fire Service noted that children should be educated on the dangers of fire starters (matches and lighters) and warned about their use, and should not be left unattended or at home without adult supervision.
The Fire Service is also advising parents that they should keep their children away from the cooking area, and ensure matches and lighters are out of their reach at all times.
The Fire Service has been calling for more persons to install smoke detectors and fire extinguishers at their homes.
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