Amidst ongoing tensions between Guyana and Venezuela over Venezuela’s ongoing threats and claim to Guyana’s territory, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro has ordered the suspension of the process currently underway to grant the approval of the new Guyana Ambassador to Venezuela.
The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry has announced that the procedures for acceptance were ongoing, but were “frustrated” by recent statements made by Guyana’s Foreign Minister, Carl Greenidge.
According to reports out of the Venezuelan media, Mr. Maduro said that “due to the attacks, he ordered the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Delcy Rodríguez, to stop the process of accreditation requested by the Guyanese Government.”
“It is nonsense to initiate the diplomatic way of regularization, the appointment and admission of ambassadors and suddenly go to the United States to launch attacks against Venezuela”, the Venezuelan Leader is quoted as saying.
Appearing on his weekly television programme, Mr. Maduro said he wants to build good relations with Guyana but those relations must be out of a position of respect.
The Venezuelan leader is upset with statements that the Foreign Minister made during a Caribbean meeting in Florida, where he made clear Guyana’s position on the claims by Venezuela.
The Government of Venezuela under Maduro resurrected its decades old claim following the announcement of the discovery of oil, offshore Guyana within Guyana’s maritime area.
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