The People’s Progressive Party Parliamentary Opposition is threatening to take Health Minister Dr. George Norton before the Committee of Privileges for misleading the National Assembly on a multi-year agreement to store pharmaceutical drugs.
Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo said on Wednesday that the PPP intends to take the Minister before the Committee “for lying to the National Assembly.”
He claimed that Norton told the House during the last sitting on Monday that the former PPP government had rented and paid for storage space in the sum of $19 million monthly to the New GPC Inc.
But Jagdeo denied this to be true and said the PPP government never rented storage space from New GPC Inc.
He said the fact of the matter is that the APNU+AFC government had asked the New GPC Inc for a quotation but ended up renting the space from the Linden Holdings Inc at a cost of $12.5 million monthly.
Jagdeo said not only had the space been single sourced but was rented from a an individual close to the party.
Jagdeo claims the government has already given the company an advance on the rent which was used to buy the building a few months ago.
The Opposition Leader said the Minister also lied to the House when he said pharmaceuticals and medical supplies were already being stored in the building.
Jagdeo said according to his sources, nothing is being stored in the building which is currently under renovation.
In fact, he said the PPP intends to go after the entire Cabinet and not just Dr. Norton alone on this matter since the issue seemed to have been discussed there.
He said it was a blatantly corrupt deal that he government intended to cover up.
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